Sunday, 12 February 2017

Music Magazine: Test Shots

 These are some test shots that I have taken of my artist for my music magazine from these I was able to see what type of shot works best and how I prefer my model to be positioned and what props that I want included. These images were taking in a studio room and also outside a building to get a different look to see what had worked best.

Music Magazine: Shot/Prop List

             This is my Shot/Prop List for my Music Magazine.                                                         

New Flat Plan - Front Cover Masthead

I decided to change the Masthead of my magazine, so this is my new masthead and an explanation as to why I decided to do this...

Monday, 6 February 2017

Music Magazine: Model Consent Forms

Magazine Magazine: My Flat Plan Feedback


This is some feedback that I had got for my flat plans. From this it has given me a couple ideas on how to improve and make my magazine better and more suitable for my target audience. From the feedback that I was given  I was told that I should maybe change the masthead of my magazine to suit my magazine more to which I totally agree as I was never that keen on it. I was also told that the Artist name and pull quote should be a lot bigger as to which I also agree on. I was planning to do that when it had come to actually start on the production of magazine. I had also got feedback that  should add more pictures to my contents page.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Music Magazine: Flat Plan Draft - Deconstructed

This is a rough sketch of a flat plan for my magazines front cover, contents and double spread page. I had looked at a couple of magazines and pulled them apart to create my own version.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Music Magazine: Flat Plans

This is my Flat Plan for my music magazines Front cover, Contents and double spread page