Friday, 30 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Final front cover and Contents page images

From all the test shots that I had taken these were the final images that I liked and had chosen to use for my college magazines front cover and contents page!

Thursday, 29 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Test Shots!

These are some test shots that I had taken for my front cover and contents page for my college magazine before choosing the final images. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Model consent forms!

These are the models that i used for my prelim task with their consent forms! This is signed by both me and each model which is giving me permission to use their photograph.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: New flat plan of Front cover&Contents page!

I decided to make a new front cover and contents page as i came up with new ideas and found that my old one wasn't extremely helpful to me when transferring my ideas to the computer.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Flat Plan - Front Cover & Contents Page

Here I have roughly drawn out a Flat Plan for both my front cover and contents page for my college magazine. I did this so that when it comes to me actually creating my magazine on Photoshop it makes my life a lot easier as I have my whole layout in front of me, therefore when I start to create it, I wont forget to add anything and I can also get feedback telling me if I should add more, or move certain things around etc

Sunday, 18 September 2016


This is the shot list for my college magazine 'DiscoverYOU'.
These are some rough sketches of the shots i am planning to take for my magazine front cover and contents page. I will test these shots out on my model and then choose the shot I think looks best to suit my magazine.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Reader Profile

Adriana Consietta, 17 
This is Adriana Consietta, she is 17 years old and has been at college for a few months know. She has made so many new friends and is enjoying learning so much.She is currently studying Media, History, Physcology and English Lit. Adriana has found that by studying these subjects they have really helped her to get a more in depth insight into her future career which is to become a journalist.

She has found that physcology and media has really helped her to view the society we live in today in various angels and view it from other peoples perspectives. She has also found it amazing learning about how things such as technology and how it has developed over time and how this has helped us to do many amazing things. Adriana has found that since studying these subjects at her college she has felt happy and confident that she has found the right career path to suit her and is enjoying every minute of it! 

I chose to do my reader profile on Adriana as I feel like what she has been through and where she is know really suits what my aim is for year 12 students.  Adriana has come into college without much knowledge about going in the right direction to her career path but know she has finally found out what to do and how to get there and is very happy. My aim is to make a college magazine that year 12 students can read and hopefully get advice sooner rather than later so that they can start of the year in the right direction to suit them. 

Friday, 16 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: My initial plans and ideas for my magazine!

These are some of my initial ideas and plans that I have to produce my college magazine. I have also included what my thoughts are on the whole project. To present this to you I have created a prezi explaining all of this in a much simpler form.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

PRELIM TASK: Deconstruction of a magazine front cover

This is a style magazine for women which i have deconstructed. I have deconstructed this so that i can get a better feel to the layout of magazine front covers in order to help me to produce my own later on. Here i have annotated the key features of the front cover such as the feature colour which is pink and yellow.The pink instantly stands out to show that it is a woman's magazine as its the stereotypical colour for women, without reading the masthead. I personally like the layout of the front cover and the use of bold colours and texts as it automatically grabs the audience's attention.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

An Introduction to my blog...


This is my media blog and here you will find all my personal posts for my year 12 A-level work. I will be posting frequently giving you updates of all my work and share with you the process in creating each piece I produce.

During the next 3 weeks I have been assigned to create a front cover as well as a contents page for a college magazine where I will focus it on a certain subject or topic. This Is called my ‘Preliminary Task’. I have already decided to call my magazine ‘
DiscoverYOU’ as I want to base my magazine around year12 students starting college, in hope to help them discover what it is they want to pursue in the future and how to help them get there.

Hopefully if you are interested in media, you will follow me on this journey and see what I manage to produce for my preliminary task and all the other tasks yet to come!
